Asbestos Abatement

Asbestos abatement involves eliminating the threat of exposure to toxic asbestos fibers.


Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) pose a danger to the public because they were common building products in homes, schools, and other structures built before the 1980s.  Because asbestos doesn’t burn, it was used in many products to resist heat. The “miracle mineral” made these asbestos-containing materials valuable to the building industry.  Asbestos abatement involves the identification, removal, repair, and encapsulation of materials or products in a structure to eliminate the threat of exposure to toxic asbestos fibers. It’s best handled by a professional asbestos abatement company.  Lakeside Concrete Cutting & Abatement Professionals is licensed by the State of Maine to remove asbestos. We currently have over 15 employees licensed to perform asbestos abatement.